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Celebrities that became famous by accident

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1. Pamela Anderson

Who could forget the glamour of “Baywatch” or the spicy centerfolds that Pam Anderson has been noted for.

Indeed, when most people think of Pamela Anderson images of red bathing suits, Playboy centerfolds, and workout videos come to mind.

Pamela Anderson is famous all over the world for her erotic poses in the Playboy magazines and as the sexy blond bombshell on “Baywatch”.

In fact, many people think that “Baywatch” was her breakthrough role. But that’s not how she rose to fame. Early on in her career Pamela Anderson was working as a fitness instructor in Vancouver.

She was then recruited by Labatt, a beer manufacturing company, to be a model for them, and during a PR stunt she gained her first public recognition as a symbol of sexiness. Wearing a tight-fitting Labatt shirt at a BC Lions Canadian Football League game an image of her went up on the big screen which was met with wide applause.

Then her Labatt representative led her down on the field to even wilder applause and crowd approval. From there on, Pamela Anderson’s modeling career took off and her days of Playboy and “Baywatch” fame were born. She is still active in fitness today and is a champion for animals, working closely with PETA to stop animal abuse.

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2. Jason Statham

There are some people who have so many talents it’s just not fair, and Jason Statham is one of those individuals.

Swimmer, model, diver, martial arts performer, and, oh yes, actor, Statham is one Hollywood stud that seems to have it all.

English actor Jason Statham is well known for his antihero roles for which he is nearly typecast.

He has appeared in films like “The Italian Job”, “Death Race”, “The Expendables”, “The Expendables 2”, and various Guy Ritchie films including “Revolver” and “Snatch”.

True fans of the actor might know that he was almost an Olympian and is an accomplished swimmer, diver, and martial artist. But few people know how the dashing action star actually got his start.

From nearly an Olympic swimmer to action hero, Jason Statham sold artificial jewelry and perfumes on London streets. While Jason Statham, jewelry salesman doesn’t exactly seem like a smart fit, it is indeed how he was originally discovered. He was spotted by an agent, at a local sports center, who hooked him up with one of FCUK’s ad campaigns.

From there his career took off and now he is a well-known face in many crime and action movies as well as several modeling campaigns.

3.Charlize Theron

Charize Theron is one of the most beautiful women in the world, and today she is well-known for her versatile acting capabilities and outstanding talent.

However, her path to stardom was not only accidental but was definitely a winding road, as well.

Charlize Theron was born and raised in South Africa but had dreams of being a dancer. She left her South African home and came to New York City to pursue her career in ballet.

Shortly thereafter, however, she suffered a devastating knee injury that made her dreams of being a ballet dancer obsolete.

One day she was at a bank arguing loudly with a teller who is trying to convince her that she could not remove money from a South African account. It was then that agent John Crosby noticed her and offered to represent her on the spot.

After that she landed a role in “Children of the Corn III”, and subsequently obtained roles in many films. She would go on to become one of the most recognizable names in Hollywood, all because she was arguing with a bank teller. Perhaps arguing loudly doesn’t always get you where you want to be, but it might just get the attention of the right person. At least it did for Charlize.

4.Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp is one actor who keeps an incredibly low profile. Of course he is extremely famous and everyone knows his name and face.

But he rarely shows up for award shows, even when he’s being honored, and almost never does interviews unless it’s part of a movie promotion contract.

But perhaps that’s all because Depp never expected to be an actor in the first place. Like many people on this list Depp originally had dreams of being something else entirely.

In his case he wanted to be a rock star ever since his mom bought him a guitar when he was a kid.

Introduced to Nicolas Cage who encouraged him to try acting, Depp nailed the audition for one of Wes Craven’s movies, for the role of an ugly janitor. From that point on his acting career skyrocketed and he became a rock star in his own right, just a film rock star instead of a musical one.

That one shot would change her career, and her life, forever and send her on a path that would soon make her a household name for generations. When she took that shot, however, she was just another worker at one of the munitions factories. Then, the photographer took the picture and advised her to use her pretty face to start a filming career.

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