50 Strict Rules The Royal Family Has To Follow (PART 2)
26. But, Tiaras Are Reserved For Married Women.
27. And Tiaras Must Be Angled Properly.
28. The Queen's Breakfast Menu Is Nonnegotiable.
Every morning, the Queen has English breakfast tea (duh) followed byCornflakes.
29. The Family Must Accept Gifts.
The family is required to graciously accept the many (andbizarre) gifts they're given on a regular basis.
30. The Queen Insist On Spending a Week Preparing for Christmas
31. The Family Doesn't Open Presents On Christmas Day.
Instead of opening presents on Christmas day, the Royal Family exchanges gifts in the Red Drawing Room during tea time onChristmas Eve.
32. Garlic Isn't Allowed At Buckingham Palace.
It's rumored that the Queenhates garlic, so no dishes at Buckingham Palace are made with the ingredient.
33. Neither Are Potatoes, Rice, And Pasta.
The Queen has strict rules against eating potatoes, rice, or pastafor dinner.
34. The Family Is Expected To Learn Multiple Languages.
Prince George has already learned tocount in Spanish.
35. A Clean-Cut, Put-Together Image Is Key.
Maybe that's why Kate gets a blowoutthree times a week.
36. You Can't Turn Your Back On The Queen.
After a conversation with the Queen has ended, she's the first to leave—no one is allowed toturn their backto her.
37. Even The Children Are Expected To Be Graceful.
As soon as children are born into the Royal Family, they're immediately groomed to both wave andspeak gracefully.
38. The Queen's Wardrobe Must Be Bright.
The Queen is known for her bright, neon-colored outfits, as she likes to make sure she can beeasily spotted in large crowds.
39. Women Are Expected To Sit A Certain Way.
The options arelegs crossed at the knee or ankle.
40. If The Queen Moves Her Purse To Her Right Arm, Her Staff Must Cut Off Her Conversation.
41. And When She Places Her Purse On A Table, Dinner Is Officially Over.
42. Cleavage Isn't A Part Of The Royal Dress Code. Diana used her clutches as a way tohide her cleavagewhen exiting a car.
43. Nicknames Are Completely Forbidden.
Even though the press still uses Kate's nickname, she actually goes byCatherine.
44. Utenisil placement is very important
45. As Is Tea-Cup Holding.
Royal Family memberspinch the tea cup handlewith their index finger and thumb, while their middle finger secures the bottom
46. Chin Placement Isn't Overlooked.
Royal women need to pose with their chinparallel to the ground
47. The Queen Isn't Required To Have A Driver's License.
The Queen is the only person in the U.K. who may drivewithout a licenseor plates
48. The Queen's Dogs Are Always Prepared Gourmet Meals.
It's no secret that the Queen loves her corgis, but unlike your pets, hers are required toeat gourmet meals, prepared daily by an in-house chef and hand-delivered by a footman.
49. And They're Never Reprimanded.
The Queen lets her corgisdo as they please.
50. Prince Phillip Is Required To Walk Behind The Queen.
Since their marriage, Philip must walka few steps behindthe Queen at all times.