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Euronews - More than 40 migrants and refugees have drowned after their boats went down in the Aegean Sea between Turkey and Greece. 20 children are among the dead.
The Ancient Egyptians are shrouded in an aura of mystery and intrigue, cultivated by continuing archeological discoveries. Unfortunately, the sense of awe that pervades Ancient Egypt has also produced countless myths. This list will investigate the most common misconceptions about Ancient Egypt, and include some interesting digressions that will illuminate new areas of their advanced culture.
Հարավային Իտալիայի Սելիա գյուղում հրամանագիր է ստորագրվել, որով գյուղի հատկապես տարեց բնակիչներին կարգադրվում է հոգ տանել սեփական առողջության մասին:
Telegraph - The Grim Reaper has got his work cut out in Sellia in southern Italy, thanks to a decree ordering the village's elderly and dwindling population to stay in good shape.
Դավոսում ընթացող Համաշխարհային տնտեսական ֆորումի ժամանակ Հռոմի Պապ Ֆրանցիսկոս I-ը աշխարհի տնտեսաքաղաքական էլիտայի անդամներին կոչ է արել ականջալուր լինել աղքատների օգնության կանչերին և չմոռանալ աղքատության ու անհավասարությունների ստեղծման գործում սեփական «ներդրման» մասին:
Reuters - Pope Francis told members of the world's wealthy political and economic elite on Wednesday that they should not be deaf to the cry of the poor and must consider their own role in creating inequality.
Euronews - Russian president Vladimir Putin has met with European Jewish leaders to discuss their concerns over rising anti-Semitism on the continent.
Guardian - Czech president Milos Zeman, known for his fiery anti-migrant rhetoric, claimed on Sunday it was “practically impossible” to integrate the Muslim community into European society.
BBC - A government official in Bornheim said men from a nearby asylum shelter would be barred until they "got the message" that such behaviour was not acceptable.
MOSCOW (Reuters) – The Russian Foreign Ministry called on Friday for all sides in the Syria conflict to use their influence to ensure that humanitarian aid was delivered to areas blockaded by militants.
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