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Congressman Paul Ryan (R-WI) Speaking at the Armenian Assembly of America 2009 National Advocacy Conference and Banquet in Washington, D.C. (Photograph copyright Armenian Assembly of America)WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, the House Republican Caucus nominated Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI) to be the 62nd Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives. According to Capitol Hill sources, the House is expected to confirm him on Thursday. The Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) congratulates incoming Speaker ...
In the RepublicOn October 21-25 no precipitation is predicted.The north-east wind speed is 2-5 m/s.On October 21 the air temperature will go down by 1-2 degrees, in eastern regions by 3-5 degrees, then on 24-25 it will go up gradually.
In the RepublicOn October 12, during daytime of October 15, 16 no precipitation is predicted. On October 13-14, at night of October 15 in most regions time by time light rain and storm is predicted. In separate places hail is possible.The south-west wind speed is 2-5 m/s. During storm the wind speed may exceed up to 15-20 m/s.On October 12, at night of October 13 the air temperature will rise by 3-4 degrees.
In the RepublicAt night and in the evening of September 25-27 in northern regions light rain and storm is possible.The south-west wind speed is 2-5 m/s. During storm the wind speed may exceed up to 15-20 m/s.On September 25-27 the air temperature will go down by 2-3 degrees.
In the RepublicOn September 1-4 no precipitation is predicted. In the evening and at night of September 5 in northern regions light rain and storm is predicted.The west wind speed is 2-5 m/s. During the storm the wind speed may exceed up to 15-20 m/s.On September 3-4 the air temperature will go up by 2-3 degrees, in eastern regions it will go up by 4-5 degrees.
In the RepublicOn August 28, 29 in most regions of the republic, on August 30, 31 and on September 1 in northern and eastern regions (at night and in the evening) light rain and storm is predicted, in separate places hail is possible.The west wind speed is 2-5 m/s. During the storm the wind speed may exceed up to 15-20 m/s.On August 30-31 and on September 1 the air temperature will go up by 2-4 degrees.
By Harut SassounianPublisher, The California Courierwww.TheCaliforniaCourier.comThe latest report of The Human Freedom Index for 152 countries gives Armenia a surprisingly high score. The study was conducted jointly by the Cato Institute, Washington, D.C.; Fraser Institute, Vancouver, Canada; and Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom, Berlin, Germany. The 108-page comprehensive report ranks countries according to personal, civil, and economic freedoms enjoyed by their citizens.The rankings are ...
By Harut SassounianPublisher, The California Courierwww.TheCaliforniaCourier.comThousands of articles have been published worldwide in the recent weeks exposing Turkey’s strategic trickery -- using the pretext of fighting ISIS to carry out a genocidal bombing campaign against the Kurds who have courageously countered ISIS in Syria and Iraq.The Wall Street Journal reported on August 12 that a senior US military official accused Turkey of deceiving the American government by allowing its use of Incirlik ...
By Harut SassounianPublisher, The California Courierwww.TheCaliforniaCourier.comIt is ironic that in this modern age of technology and abundance of information at the fingertips of everyone with an electronic device, it is becoming increasingly difficult, and sometimes impossible, to distinguish fact from fiction.The Internet, with its vast resources on every conceivable subject, can be a blessing or a curse when one is trying to discern the authenticity of a particular article.
Lebanese-Armenian artist and collector Harout Torossian donated his collection of Armenian coins and Tigran the Great’s agate ring stone with the king’s bust engraved on it to Artsakh State Museum of History and Country Study. Comprised of 168 samples of old coins and banknotes, the collection is distinguished by its rare coins dating back to the reign of Tigran the Great, Artavazd II and the era of Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia.
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