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Friday is the date of the Apple Watch launch—but also the anniversary of a terrible genocide that sent Steve Jobs’s adoptive grandparents fleeing to safety in America.On Friday, wrists around the world will welcome the most anticipated gadget since the iPad came to our fingertips five years ago.But the date chosen for its release has caused a too-bizarre-to-be-true historic collision that Apple’s founder would likely never have allowed to happen.
Հանրապետության տարածքում`Ապրիլի 22-24-ին, 25-ի գիշերը ժամանակ առ ժամանակ շրջանների զգալի մասում, 25-ի ցերեկը արևելյան շրջաններում սպասվում է անձրև և ամպրոպ, հնարավոր է կարկուտ, 22-24-ին լեռնային շրջաններում տեղումները կդիտվեն թաց ձյան տեսքով:26-ին սպասվում է առանց տեղումների եղանակ:Քամին՝ հարավ-արևմտյան՝ 5-10 մ/վրկ, 22-ին առանձին շրջաններում սպասվում է քամու ուժգնացում` 20-25 մ/վրկ:Օդի ջերմաստիճանը 22-23-ին կնվազի 4-6 աստիճանով, 25-26-ին կբարձրանա 5-7 աստիճանով:
In the RepublicOn April 7-8 no precipitation is predicted. On April 9-11 precipitation is predicted.The West wind speed is 3-8 m/s.On April 7-8 the air temperature will go up by 2-4 degrees. In the daytime of 10-11 it will down by 5-6 degrees.
Iran's President Hassan Rouhani has pledged to abide by the commitments of a nuclear agreement that promises to end years of crippling sanctions.Residents danced in the streets, blared their horns and joyously waved their national flag following the breakthrough deal.The agreement between Iran and the West, struck after a 12-year stand-off, aims to prevent Tehran making a nuclear weapon in exchange for phased sanction relief. Mr Rouhani also called on world powers to fulfil their part of the deal.The ...
When you apply for a job as a skyscraper window cleaner, a head for heights is essential.But you probably don't anticipate being repeatedly slammed into the side of the building as your platform is thrown around like a toy in the wind.
In the RepublicAt night of April 3 and in the morning in northern regions, at night 4-5 in most of the parts from time to time precipitation is predicted. On 6-7 no precipitation is predicted.The West wind speed is 3-8 m/s.During daytime of April 4 and at night of 5th April the air temperature will go down by 5-6 degrees. During daytime of 5 the temperature will go up by 3-4 degrees and on 6-7 by 2-4 degrees.
By Harut SassounianPublisher, The California Courierwww.TheCaliforniaCourier.comI reported last month that the Americana shopping center in Glendale had banned three Armenian vendors from selling genocide-related T-shirts from their rented carts.
Key Photographs of the Armenian Genocide Assembled as an Instructional Guide for Human Rights Education in the Form of a Digital ExhibitWASHINGTON, DC - The Armenian National Institute (ANI), Armenian Genocide Museum of America (AGMA), and Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) announced the launch of a fourth digital exhibit entitled 'Iconic Images of the Armenian Genocide' that brings together as a single collection key images recording the brutal mistreatment of the Armenian population of the ...
Two years after Angelina Jolie had a double mastectomy to prevent the onset of breast cancer, the actress, filmmaker and renowned humanitarian revealed that she has since had her ovaries removed as well.The 39-year-old Maleficent star published a lengthy opinion piece, titled 'Angelina Jolie Pitt: Diary of a Surgery,' in the New York Times Monday explaining her decision.
He is one of the world's most famous stars, but there was one party to which Elton John wasn't invited to.The singing sensation's mother, Sheila Farebrother, was joined by the rest of her family and friends as she celebrated her 90th birthday in a converted barn on Saturday.
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