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Pope Francis
Pope Francis has said that all he wants is to go out one day to a pizzeria "without being recognized."
Pope Francis has had lunch with at least 10 gay, transgender and HIV-suffering inmates at a prison in Naples today, it has been reported.They were among 90 prisoners invited to dine with the pontiff on his day-long trip to southern-Italy.The stop-off at the Giuseppe Salvia Detention Centre in Poggioreale was not originally on his schedule, according to Italian TV station TV 2000.
Pope Francis who succeeded a resigning pontiff exactly two years ago, told a Mexican television network Friday that he expects his pontificate will be brief.Francis, who was elected inMarch 2013after Pope Benedict XVI stepped down, said his predecessor had reopened a door to more popes emeritus.
Pope Francis has given a gift of sorts to Armenian Catholics commemorating the 100th anniversary of the massacre of Armenians by Ottoman Turks, declaring a revered 10th-century mystic and poet, St. Gregory of Narek, a doctor of the church.The Vatican said Monday that Francis had agreed to bestow one of the highest church honors on Gregory after the decision was taken by the Vatican's saint-making office.
Pope Francis urged millions gathered in Manila on Sunday to take care of one another -- and help promote peace in the world.Worshippers in ponchos of all colors held up flickering candles in the rain, hanging on his every word.
Pope Francis has arrived in the Philippines, Asia's most populous Catholic nation, where ecstatic crowds awaited the first papal visit in 20 years.
Angelina Jolie met Pope Francis during a private audience at the Vatican on Thursday.The Hollywood star had arrived in Rome, Italy the previous day amid rumours she would be meeting the leader of the Catholic Church.However, although it was initially thought her husband Brad Pitt would also be in attendance at the special meet-and-greet, he was absent from the meeting.
Pope Francis wants to bring hope to Christians and other ethnic and religious groups suffering "brutal persecution" in Iraq and Syria.The Pope used his Christmas Day blessing,"Urbi et Orbi," to draw attention to displaced children and adults in the Middle East "who for too long now have suffered the effects of ongoing conflict," he said, in a reference to the Syrian civil war and increased instability in Iraq with the rise of ISIS.
President Serzh Sargsyan is to make an official visit to the Holy See (Vatican) on September 18.
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